My Travel


Bubbling cauldron. Bubbling cauldron

Geographical Location: North America

Yellowstone is the first national park in the United States. It covers over 2.2 million acres, and provides an opportunity to see wildlife and explore geothermal areas. In fact, Yellowstone contains about half the world's active geysers.

These unique opportunities also bring out a lot of bad decisions among the tourists. Every year visitors injure themselves or the wildlife by getting close to the animals. You can see examples of people making bad decisions by visiting Yellowstone National Park: Invasion of the Idiots, Tourons of Yellowstone, or Cowboy State Daily.

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A large mound of multi-colored travertine
Mammoth Hot Springs has a number of actively forming Travertine terraces.
Sunset over mountains with some charred trees in the foreground
The drive to Lamar Valley requires some dangerous roads. But the result is amazing sunset views.
The multicolored layers get their hues from different species of bacteria living in the cooler water around the spring.
The buffalo were so common along the roads in Yellowstone that our mantra became "If it ain't lickin the car, we aren't stopping."
A large spring with clouds of sulfur smoke rising from it.
If you can handle the odor, the Yellowstone Sulphur Springs is a great place to hike.


Chiangmai. Chiangmai.

Geographical Location: Asia

Chiang Mai, nestled in the lush hills of northern Thailand, is a city that captivates with its unique blend of cultural richness and natural beauty. Situated approximately 700 kilometers north of Bangkok, Chiang Mai is the largest city in the region and serves as the capital of the province of the same name. Its geographical location is nothing short of enchanting, surrounded by forested mountains and picturesque landscapes. This charming city, often referred to as the "Rose of the North," offers visitors a delightful escape from the bustling urban life, inviting them to explore a realm where tradition meets modernity amidst a backdrop of stunning scenery.

The heart of Chiang Mai beats with a rich history that dates back over 700 years. Founded in 1296, the city was originally the capital of the ancient Lanna Kingdom. Today, remnants of its storied past are scattered throughout the city, from the ancient temples that dot the landscape to the preserved city walls and moats that harken back to a bygone era. Among the city's treasures is the revered Wat Phra Singh, a 14th-century temple known for its intricate architecture and revered Buddha image. Chiang Mai's historical sites provide a captivating glimpse into its heritage, making it a destination that seamlessly weaves together the past and present for visitors to explore and appreciate.

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colorful hot balloons in the heart of Chiang Mai
You can see hot balloons in Chiang Mai as well.
several elephants and smiley volunteers in the forest
You can see cute elephants in Chiang Mai! Isn’t that fun?!
ancient temple of Chiang Mai
There are so many beautiful temples in Chiang Mai.
several monks walk by the street
Be respectful to the monks.
several delicious dishes from Chiang Mai
And don’t forget to treat yourself with delicious Thai food!


Monteverde Monteverde

Geographical Location: South America

Monteverde, Costa Rica is situated 4,662 feet above sea level. Monteverde’s famed cloud forests are the byproduct of fog (a thick, low-hanging cloud) tangling amongst the leaves and branches of the forest canopy. Trails and hanging bridges offer a close-up view of the diverse variety of animals and plants living in the forest.

One of the main tourist locations in Monteverde is the town of Santa Elena, which is not only home to a variety of restaurants with delicious food, but a serpentarium as well. You can enjoy hiking, ziplining, and observing the native wildlife while staying in Monteverde.

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Clouds rolling through a line of trees.
You can hike trails and zipline through the Monteverde cloud forests.
An image of a bridge hanging above the cloud forest canopy in Monteverde.
Hanging bridges over the cloud forests allow for a birds-eye view.
A hummingbird with green feathers drinking from a pink and orange flower.
You can visit hummingbirds at Monteverde’s Selvatura Park’s hummingbird garden, which exhibits over 14 different species of hummingbird.
A person in red standing in front of one of El Tigre’s four waterfalls.
El Tigre Waterfalls is made up of four falls, which are connected by trails and hanging bridges.


colosseum-rome colosseum-rome

Geographical Location: Europe

Rome is one of the oldest metropolitan areas in the world. With a history dating back to 700 BC with the birth of the Roman Empire, the city has maintained its status as a cultural and historical hub of Europe. The city is peppered with ancient monuments, statues, and piazzas from different eras of history. The most famous location, the Colosseum, is touted as one of the seven modern wonders of the world. Rome houses several world famous museums, such as the Borghese and the Vatican Museum. It is also the only city in the world to encompass a recognized country, Vatican City.

Rome is also a great location for food, wine, and leisure. At the heart of Italy, Rome is a central gathering place for a diverse array of Italian cuisine; Neapolitan Pizza from the south, Tuscan wine, and truffle from the north. Rome’s most famous dish is carbonara. Beyond the food, Rome has a vibrant nightlife. The Trastevere neighborhood has plenty of bars and clubs for patrons and, just over the river, Centro’s shopping district is always bustling.

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A ruin of large columns supporting a roof surrounded by smaller ruins.
A ruin of large columns supporting a roof surrounded by smaller ruins.
Decorative steps sitting behind a fountain with a small church at the top.
Decorative steps sitting behind a fountain with a small church at the top.
A decorated marble fountain with several roman statues dancing.
A decorated marble fountain with several roman statues dancing.
An ornate marble building with bronze statues of angels and chariots, and the Italian flag on either side.
An ornate marble building with bronze statues of angels and chariots, and the Italian flag on either side.